Monday, June 13, 2011

The Dead Sea البحر الميت

This past Saturday, a big group of us ventured to البحر الميت (AlBahhr Almayt), the Dead Sea, which is only a 30-40 minute drive from Amman. The claim that it is impossible to sink in the Dead Sea...completely accurate. I felt like I was in an anti-gravity chamber! I could only stay in for about 15 minutes at a time because the salt was burning my skin, but the experience was unforgettable.

 Alyssa, Janet, Sam and I covered in the mud of the Dead Sea, claimed to possess healing powers. If anything, it was a good sun block!

Janet and I with our Jordanian friends -- Ghassan and Fuad 

Palestine right across the Sea

1 comment:

  1. I was just looking at YOUR side of that same sea from Palestine. Tee hee. Who'da thunk it? I'm so excited and proud of you, LIBZ.
